<!-- link button starts -->
<button class="c-btn c-btn--link">link button</button>
<!-- link button ends -->
<!-- {{#if mod }}{{ mod }} {{#if size }}{{ size }} {{/if}}{{else}}default {{#if size }}{{ size }} {{/if}}{{/if}}button starts -->
<button class="c-btn{{#if state }} {{ state }}{{/if}}{{#if mod }} c-btn--{{ mod }}{{/if}}{{#if gridClasses }} {{ gridClasses }}{{/if}}{{#if size }} c-btn--{{ size }}{{/if}}"{{#if disabled }} disabled {{/if}}>{{#if btnText }}{{btnText}}{{else}}{{#if mod }}{{ mod }}{{else}}default{{/if}} button{{/if}}</button>
<!-- {{#if mod }}{{ mod }} {{#if size }}{{ size }} {{/if}}{{else}}default {{#if size }}{{ size }} {{/if}}{{/if}}button ends -->
  "mod": "link"
  • Content:
     * 1. Allow us to style box model properties.
     * 2. Reset/normalize some styles.
     * 3. Line different sized buttons up a little nicer.
     * 4. Make buttons inherit font styles (often necessary when styling `input`s as
     *    buttons).
     * 5. Force all button-styled elements to appear clickable.
    .c-btn {
      display: inline-block; /* [1] */
      min-width: rem(36);
      min-height: rem(36);
      padding: $space-sm $space-unit;
      border: rem(1) solid $color-btn-border;
      border-radius: $global-radius;
      background: $color-btn-background;
      box-shadow: $global-box-shadow--light;
      color: $color-btn;
      font: inherit; /* [3] */
      font-size: rem(14);
      font-weight: 600;
      text-align: center; /* [2] */
      text-decoration: none; /* [2] */
      vertical-align: middle; /* [4] */
      cursor: pointer; /* [5] */
      transition: $global-transition--fast;
      @include hocus() {
        background: $color-btn-background-hover;
        color: darken($color-btn, 10%);
        text-decoration: none;
      &:focus {
      // box-shadow is invisible in Windows high-contrast mode, so we need to add a transparent outline, which actually does show up in high-contrast mode.
      outline: rem(2) dotted transparent;
      outline-offset: rem(2);
      // Adds a white border around the button, along with a blue glow. The white and blue have a color contrast ratio of at least 3:1, which means this will work against any background color.
      box-shadow: 0 0 0 rem(2) $color-white, 0 0 rem(3) rem(5) $color-brand-secondary-highlight;
      &:active {
        padding-top: 1.08 * $space-sm;
        padding-bottom: 0.92 * $space-sm;
        box-shadow: $global-box-shadow__inset;
      &::first-letter {
        text-transform: uppercase;
    // Size variations
    .c-btn--xs {
      min-width: rem(16);
      min-height: rem(24);
      padding: $space-xxxs $space-xs;
      font-size: rem(12);
      font-weight: 500;
      &:active {
        padding-top: 1.08 * $space-xxxs;
        padding-bottom: 0.92 * $space-xxxs;
    .c-btn--sm {
      min-width: rem(16);
      min-height: rem(24);
      padding: $space-xs $space-sm;
      font-size: rem(13);
      font-weight: 500;
      &:active {
        padding-top: 1.08 * $space-xs;
        padding-bottom: 0.92 * $space-xs;
    .c-btn--lg {
      padding: $space-unit $space-md;
      font-size: rem(16);
      &:active {
        padding-top: 1.08 * $space-unit;
        padding-bottom: 0.92 * $space-unit;
    .c-btn--primary {
      border-color: $color-btn-primary-border;
      background: $color-btn-primary-background;
           color: $color-btn-primary;
      @include hocus() {
        background: $color-btn-primary-background-hover;
        color: $color-btn-primary;
      &:active {
        border-color: $color-brand-secondary-700;
        background: $color-btn-primary-background-active;
        box-shadow: $global-box-shadow__inset--md;
        color: $color-btn-primary;
    .c-btn--outline {
      border: $space-unit * 0.08 solid currentColor;
      background: $color-btn-outline-background;
      box-shadow: none;
      color: $color-btn-outline;
      @include hocus() {
        background: $color-btn-outline-background-hover;
        color: darken($color-brand-secondary, 2%);
      input:checked + & {
        border: rem(1.5) solid lighten($color-brand-secondary-700, 2%);
        background-color: lighten($color-brand-primary-100, 2%);
        color: $color-brand-secondary-700;
      // Radio or checkbox input with outline button style
      .c-input--btn-outline {
        display: inline-block;
        align-self: center;
        input {
          display: none;
          &:checked + .c-btn--outline--fail {
            border-color: $color-danger-600;
            background-color: $color-danger-100;
            color: $color-danger-600;
          &:checked + .c-btn--outline--success {
            border-color: $color-success-600;
            background-color: rgba($color-success-100, 0.8);
            color: $color-success-600;
        .c-btn {
          width: 100%;
        > .c-btn--outline.c-btn--outline--fail {
          color: $color-danger-500;
          @include hocus() {
            background: rgba($color-danger-100, 0.4);
          input:checked + & {
            border-color: $color-danger-600;
            background-color: rgba($color-danger-100, 0.8);
            color: $color-danger-600;
        > .c-btn--outline.c-btn--outline--success {
          color: $color-success-500;
          @include hocus() {
            background: rgba($color-success-100, 0.4);
          input:checked + & {
            border-color: $color-success-600;
            background-color: rgba($color-success-100, 0.8);
            color: $color-success-600;
    .c-btn--link {
      position: relative;
      width: max-content;
      min-width: min-content;
      max-width: max-content;
      border: 0;
      background: transparent;
      box-shadow: none;
      color: $color-link;
      @include acthocus() {
        text-underline-offset: $space-xxxs;
        border: 0;
        background: transparent;
        background: transparent;
        box-shadow: none;
        color: $color-link-hover;
        text-decoration: underline solid rem(1.5);
      &.c-btn--link--no-underline {
        @include acthocus() {
          text-decoration: none;
    .c-btn--block {
      display: block;
      width: 100%;
    .c-btn--icon {
      display: inline-flex;
      align-items: center;
    .c-btn--icon--right {
      .o-icon {
        margin: 0 0 0 $space-xxxs;
    .c-btn--destructive {
      border: $space-unit * 0.08 solid $color-btn-danger-border;
      background: $color-btn-danger-background;
           color: $color-btn-danger;
      @include hocus() {
        background: $color-btn-danger-background-hover;
        color: $color-btn-danger;
      &:active {
        border-color: $color-danger-700;
        background: $color-btn-danger-background-active;
        box-shadow: $global-box-shadow__inset--md;
        color: $color-white;
    input:disabled {
      background-color: $color-grey-200;
                 color: $color-grey-400;
      cursor: not-allowed;
      @include hocus() {
       background-color: $color-grey-200;
        color: $color-grey-400;
    .c-btn--sticky {
      position: sticky;
      top: 0;
      margin: -1.5rem 0 0 auto;
      z-index: 20;
      background: $color-danger-100;
      color: $color-danger-800;
      border: 0;
      align-self: center;
      @include hocus() {
        background: lighten($color-danger-100, 2%);
    .c-btn--plus-minus {
      position: absolute;
      width: $space-unit;
      height: $space-unit;
      fill: currentColor;
      margin: $space-xs;
      &:first-child {
      //  left: 0.75rem;
      & + * + .c-btn--plus-minus {
        left: 5.5rem;
    .c-btn-pink {
      background-color: pink !important;
  • URL: /components/raw/buttons/_buttons.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/_code-components/buttons/_buttons.scss
  • Size: 6.8 KB

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